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Article SAMHSA Learning Community for HUD Rural and Unsheltered Grantees

This Learning Community for HUD Rural and Unsheltered grantees will focus on supporting Continuums of Care (CoCs) in understanding and building cross-system partnerships that address the needs of individuals and families impacted by substance use and/or mental disorders among those experiencing unsheltered homelessness and homelessness in rural areas.

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  • Toolkit Building Resiliency: A Guide for Supervisors of Housing and Health Professionals

    This guide is designed to help supervisors identify approaches for the prevention and intervention of secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue, and burnout among staff; enhance staff resiliency; support and celebrate health and well-being; and explore policies, procedures, and activities to promote organizational wellness and well-being.

    Self-Care for Professionals
  • Toolkit Guide to Methamphetamine Use, Treatment, and Housing Considerations for People Experiencing Homelessness

    This guide explores how service providers can better support people who use methamphetamine in the process of transitioning into and maintaining housing.

    Co-occurring Disorders
    Substance Use: Substance use prevention
    Substance Use: Substance use treatment
    Housing Models: Housing First
    Housing Models: Permanent Supportive Housing
    Housing Models: Recovery Housing
    Housing Navigation: Landlord engagement
    Supportive Services: Peer Services / Supports
    Integrated Care
  • Toolkit Whole-Person Care for People Experiencing Homelessness and Opioid Use Disorder Toolkit: Part I

    The Whole-Person Care for People Experiencing Homelessness and Opioid Use Disorder Toolkit provides a framework for supporting recovery and housing stability. Part I of the toolkit, released in August 2021, provides an introduction to homelessness, opioid use disorder, and evidence-based recovery practices such as trauma-informed care, motivational interviewing, eliminating stigma, and harm...

    Co-occurring Disorders
    Integrated Care