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This Learning Community for HUD Rural and Unsheltered grantees will focus on supporting Continuums of Care (CoCs) in understanding and building cross-system partnerships that address the needs of individuals and families impacted by substance use and/or mental disorders among those experiencing unsheltered homelessness and homelessness in rural areas.
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Toolkit Harm Reduction in Rural Areas: A Workbook for Homeless Response System Staff
The Harm Reduction in Rural Communities workbook is designed to help rural areas implement harm reduction strategies, including Housing First principles. The workbook contains facts, implementation strategies, reflection questions, and links to more information.
Fact Sheet Guide to Resource Mapping and Assessing Community Needs
This fact sheet describes available data sources for identifying service gaps and provides guidance for engaging in resource mapping to address those unmet needs.
Fact Sheet Understanding and Supporting Residents with Serious Mental Illness
This fact sheet helps housing providers better understand and recognize the symptoms of three of the most common serious mental illnesses: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder. The guide also describes best practices for supporting tenants experiencing a mental health crisis and how to connect them with support.
Article Partner Resources for Supporting the Peer Workforce
This article provides a compilation of resources developed to support a robust and equitable peer workforce.
Article Partner Resources for Suicide Prevention
This article provides a compilation of federal resources aimed at preventing suicide.