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Article SAMHSA Learning Community for HUD Rural and Unsheltered Grantees

This Learning Community for HUD Rural and Unsheltered grantees will focus on supporting Continuums of Care (CoCs) in understanding and building cross-system partnerships that address the needs of individuals and families impacted by substance use and/or mental disorders among those experiencing unsheltered homelessness and homelessness in rural areas.

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  • Fact Sheet Identifying and Supporting Behavioral Health Needs in Encampments: Tips for Nonclinical Staff

    Outreach teams observe a wide range of behavioral health conditions. This guide provides tips for nonclinical staff when engaging with individuals living in encampment settings to support their behavioral health needs.

    Type of Homelessness: Unsheltered
    Mental Health: Serious Mental Illness
    Mental Health: Mental health treatment
    Outreach and Engagment: Street outreach
  • Fact Sheet Guide to Resource Mapping and Assessing Community Needs

    This fact sheet describes available data sources for identifying service gaps and provides guidance for engaging in resource mapping to address those unmet needs.

    Supportive Services: Employment
    Supportive Services: Mainstream benefits
    Supportive Services: Disability benefits
    Supportive Services: Peer Services / Supports
    Supportive Services: Education Supports
    Supportive Services: Family Supports
    Specialized Partnerships: Military/VA
    Specialized Partnerships: Hospital/clinic
    Specialized Partnerships: Education
    Specialized Partnerships: Faith-based
    Specialized Partnerships: HUD Continuum of Care (CoC)
    Specialized Partnerships: Tribal Communities
    Integrated Care
  • Fact Sheet Understanding and Supporting Residents with Serious Mental Illness

    This fact sheet helps housing providers better understand and recognize the symptoms of three of the most common serious mental illnesses: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder. The guide also describes best practices for supporting tenants experiencing a mental health crisis and how to connect them with support.

    Mental Health: Serious Mental Illness
  • Fact Sheet Treatment, Housing, and Outreach Support for Individuals with Psychotic Disorders

    With the appropriate support and treatment, people experiencing homelessness and psychosis can recover to live full and productive lives. This fact sheet provides an overview of psychosis and its treatment options, strategies for outreach and engagement, including tips for de-escalation, and strategies for supporting people with psychotic symptoms in achieving and maintaining housing.

    Mental Health: Serious Mental Illness
    Mental Health: Mental health treatment
    Housing Models: Housing First
  • Fact Sheet Fair Housing Protections for People with SMI, SUD, or COD

    This document describes how individuals with disabilities can leverage federal laws to protect themselves from this type of discrimination and ensure equal access and opportunity to enjoy housing that suits their needs.

    People with Disabilities
    Laws/Acts/Regulations: Fair Housing
    Mental Health: Serious Mental Illness
    Co-occurring Disorders
    Housing Models: Eviction Prevention
    Housing Navigation: Landlord engagement