Online Webinars
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This webinar will discuss core principles and engagement techniques for providers to serve as a bridge to care for mental health, substance use, and medical needs among people living in encampments.
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Webinar Public Housing and Serious Mental Illness: Practical Recommendations for Housing Providers
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This 90-minute webinar provides an overview of serious mental illness, effective policies, and practical recommendations for housing providers.
Webinar Learning Community for HUD Rural and Unsheltered Grantees Session 1: Identifying the whole person care needs of the focus population
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This session will remind participants of the core values foundational to delivering evidence-based practices and orient them to available data sources to identify health and behavioral healthcare needs. Additionally, participants will learn more about using qualitative data informed by those with lived and living expertise.
Webinar Low-Barrier Shelter Models for People Who Use Drugs
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This webinar will feature Camillus House (Miami, FL) and Prevention Point (Philadelphia, PA) sharing information about their low-barrier shelter models for people who use drugs.
Webinar Outreach and Housing Support for Individuals with Psychotic Disorders
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This panel examines outreach and housing support strategies for individuals with psychotic disorders.
Webinar Trauma-Informed Outreach Learning Community Session 4: Providing Behavioral Health Care in Unsheltered Environments
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This session will offer information, examples, and guidance on conducting behavioral health care assessments and providing behavioral health services in encampments and other unsheltered environments.