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Online Webinars

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Webinar Eviction Prevention: Strategies for Supporting Individuals with Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders

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In support of the new HHRC Eviction Prevention Toolkit, this webinar will explore strategies for supporting people with mental health conditions, substance use disorders, or co-occurring disorders living in community-based low-income housing.



  • Ayana Gonzalez, Senior Consultant, Technical Assistance Collaborative (TAC)
  • Juanita Spotted Elk, Member, WA State Lived Experience Coalition
  • Rachel Post, Senior Consultant, Technical Assistance Collaborative (TAC)
  • Matthew Leslie, Senior Associate, Technical Assistance Collaborative (TAC)


Webinar Eviction Prevention: Strategies for Supporting Individuals with Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders

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In support of the new HHRC Eviction Prevention Toolkit, this webinar will explore strategies for supporting people with mental health conditions, substance use disorders, or co-occurring disorders living in community-based low-income housing.

Webinar Low-Barrier Shelter Models for People Who Use Drugs

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This webinar will feature Camillus House (Miami, FL) and Prevention Point (Philadelphia, PA) sharing information about their low-barrier shelter models for people who use drugs.

Webinar Office Hours: Supporting Resiliency in Housing and Health Professionals

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As a follow-up to the webinar on July 15, the presenters will host an Office Hours session to answer questions about promoting self-care and resiliency among staff.

Webinar Supporting Resiliency in Housing and Health Professionals

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Join us for this webinar to learn about promoting self-care and resiliency among staff. Hear from subject matter experts on organizational well-being as they share tools and resources to support supervisors in engaging in their own self-care and encouraging it among supervisees.

Webinar Supportive Housing Learning Community Session 3: Promoting Racial Equity in Supportive and/or Recovery Housing Programs

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Hear from subject matter experts and a community provider on strategies for ensuring promotion of racial equity in supportive and/or recovery housing programs.