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Online Webinars

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Webinar Learning Community for HUD Rural and Unsheltered Grantees Session 2: Resource mapping to maximize funding and coordination of services

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This session will include an interactive brainstorm of all the systems that CoCs may need to partner with to achieve whole-person care and maximize the impact of combined services to end homelessness and improve health, wellness, and economic opportunities. Examples of resource mapping templates and considerations for addressing barriers to partnership will be shared.

Webinar Learning Community for HUD Rural and Unsheltered Grantees Session 1: Identifying the whole person care needs of the focus population

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This session will remind participants of the core values foundational to delivering evidence-based practices and orient them to available data sources to identify health and behavioral healthcare needs. Additionally, participants will learn more about using qualitative data informed by those with lived and living expertise.

Webinar Low-Barrier Shelter Models for People Who Use Drugs

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This webinar will feature Camillus House (Miami, FL) and Prevention Point (Philadelphia, PA) sharing information about their low-barrier shelter models for people who use drugs.

Webinar Employing Peer Workers: An Organization’s Perspective

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In this webinar, panelists will answer questions about the challenges and opportunities organizations experience when establishing new peer roles.

Webinar The Peer Support Experience: In Our Own Words

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This webinar, led by panelists currently providing peer services, will introduce a new toolkit developed to provide guidance and strategies to integrate and sustain peer workers within homeless service organizations.