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Webinario Introduction to Hoarding Disorder

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This webinar on hoarding disorder among homeless-experienced individuals includes an overview of hoarding disorder, assessment methods, treatment approaches, and clinical tips.



  • Jack Tsai, PhD, Associate Professor Adjunct of Psychiatry; Research Director, National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans; Director, Yale Division of Mental Health Services and Treatment Outcomes Research
  • Astrea Greig, PsyD, Instructor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, Cambridge Health Alliance
  • Frances Mathieu, PsyD, LICSW, Associate Director of Behavioral Health, Pine Street Inn
  • Miriam Beyer, LCSW, Director, Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center (PRRC), San Francisco VA Medical Center
  • Taylor Doan, LICSW, Crisis Support Clinician, Pine Street Inn


Webinario Learning Community for HUD Rural and Unsheltered Grantees Session 4: Increasing Access to Treatment, Harm Reduction, and Recovery Community Organizations

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This session will provide tangible ideas for expanding access to treatment and incorporating harm reduction practices in currently available settings. This session will cover
topics including systems that offer recovery community support, acute and residential levels of care, securing access to medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD), and overdose prevention. A guest speaker with lived...

Webinario Low-Barrier Shelter Models for People Who Use Drugs

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This webinar will feature Camillus House (Miami, FL) and Prevention Point (Philadelphia, PA) sharing information about their low-barrier shelter models for people who use drugs.

Webinario Homelessness and Opioid Use Disorder: Best Practices for Whole-Person Care

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In this session, panelists will provide a brief overview of the toolkit, Whole-Person Care for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness and Opioid Use Disorder (OUD): Part 2 and engage in a roundtable discussion of best practices.

Webinario Supportive Housing Learning Community Session 3: Promoting Racial Equity in Supportive and/or Recovery Housing Programs

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Hear from subject matter experts and a community provider on strategies for ensuring promotion of racial equity in supportive and/or recovery housing programs.

Webinario Methamphetamine and the Transition to Housing: Strategies to Support People to Thrive in Permanent Housing

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Join us as we release the Guide to Methamphetamine Use, Treatment, and Housing Considerations for People Experiencing Homelessness and discuss best practices for supporting the transition to housing.